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compound sentence 【語法】并列句。

compound statement

One sound one meaning and one site . second , studying anththesis and antithetical couplet is basis of news thtle of antithesis and antiche tical couplet . antithesis has “ three same “ . that are the same numbers of unords , the same structure and the same place between the two sentenles . lt has four kinds . they are compound sentences , synonym sentences , contrast sentences and going forward one by one sentences 從古代文章、詩、詞、曲、劇和現代詩歌的對句范例中,進行分析歸納,得出對句的主要特點是“三同” ,即:對句中每句的字數相同、各句之間詞語的結構相同、每句對應位置上的詞類大體相同。

It can be seen from the above , by adding adverbial modifier , complement modifier and attributive clause , one simple sentence ( underlined part ) will develop to a principal and subordinate compound sentence with an attributive clause 所以,如果句中詞、短語和句子間,主、次要成分間插入并列、主從成分便會使句子變長;有的句中還出現了成分的省略、倒裝和分割等,這就構成了更為復雜的長句。

If two or more clauses , grammatically complete and not joined by a conjunction , are to form a single compound sentence , the proper mark of punctuation is a semicolon 兩句或以上的子句,文法上各自完整獨立且中間沒有連接詞,要將兩句結合變成一句單一的復合句時,宜用的標點符號為分號。

There ' s another logic operation called exclusive or , in which the compound sentence is false , not true , if and only if all the components are true 還有另外一種邏輯操作叫做異或:當且僅當所有的成員為真時,結果才為假。 ”

The main clause and subordinate clause of compound sentence must have subject and predicate , as same as the simple sentence 復合句的主句和從句也和簡單句一樣,必須有主語和謂語。

The combination of conjunctions used in compound sentence sometimes can be also used to make up sentence groups 摘要復句中合用的關聯詞語,有時也能用于句群的組造。

The comparison of traditional classification and new classification in russian main and subordinating compound sentences 俄語主從復合句中傳統分類法與新分類法之比較

To learn the structure of the compound sentences and know how to make compound sentences 掌握復合句句子的結構,學會寫復合句的句子。

Summaries of the late 20 years reseach into the simple and compound sentence of modern chinese 近20年現代漢語單復句研究綜述

This results from the conversion between compound sentences and sentence groups 這是由復句轉換成句群造成的。

The classification of compound sentences 對復句分類研究的回顧與思考

Logic analysis of anti - reality hypothesis compound sentence 反事實假設復句的邏輯分析